We are very lucky to do what we do.
We're even luckier to be doing it here in the Adirondacks.
Luckier still to work with the people we do.
Seasoned Greetings.

What makes a successful blog? Is ghostwriting appropriate? How do you attract more readers? What kind of content do you write about? Is a blog right for every organization? How does blogging fit in to an overall social media strategy? Should CEOs and corporations blog?
So when I got home Friday Jacob said, "so how was work" in an annoying teenager tone, 'cause whenever I see him I ask him how's school. I said it was great and that actually we got a little bonus for our hard work on the state bid. Even though we didn't get it, the work and effort didn't go unnoticed. I said that it was such a nice gesture and how appreciative I was.
His response: "wait a minute, you got extra money for NOT getting a job? That's like sports teams, they lose the game but they still get paid. Not fair Aunt Amy."
High Ropes
You know that feeling you get when you're high above everything? Whether it's at the top of a long climb and your looking at the view, or your taking off in a plane and are watching as things down below get smaller and smaller or even when you reach the top of the stairs and you turn around to look at something down below? You know that feeling... kind of a twinkle in your belly, a lightheadedness?
Well I experienced that today at the high ropes course at Double H Ranch in Lake Luzerne. I have spent the last week volunteering as a nurse at this wonderful camp for children with life threatening illnesses. Some are wheelchair bound due to their illness while others have illnesses that allow them to be up and walking around like the rest of us. Today it didn't matter which category the kids were in-they all went on the high ropes course. The wheelchair kids were removed from their chairs and placed in seats with ropes and carabeaners already attached. They were hoisted and guided up and into harnesses made especially for their seats. They were attached to the zip line and sent soaring through the air like eagles, flying and weightless. Peels of laughter and screams of joy could be heard throughout the forest as could the cheers from their fellow campers down below.
So that feeling, that "flying" feeling... I felt that today, only me feet were still firmly planted on the ground. I felt it though, just by watching these kids fly! I will remember it always...