Friday, May 22, 2009

Memorial Day- Updated with pictures

The parade went off without a hitch,

well, except for that one very non-weinery dog,

but we're not here to judge, we're here to applaud the Rosas
and the rest of their weiner parade.

The Glens Falls - Queensbury Memorial Day Parade is this Monday at 10am. We'll happily lose ourselves in the small town charm.

Our friend Kevin Rosa from The Sagamore will be a doggone delight with his dachshund parade:

Yes, we’ll see you at the parade…look for the 1st Annual Glens Falls Wiener Walk!...hosted by Woodstock Rosa…we might have close to 40 wieners in the parade…Classic!!...Kevin

After the parade we're liable to walk downtown to Davidsons for food, drink and reliable merriment. We'll talk about the parade and laugh with our friends.

It's not about the next deal or the latest trend, it's about life- the people in it and the way you live it.



Unknown said...

"There goes Sean, showing off his wiener....logo!"

Kudos to Trampoline Design for helping with the 1st Annual Glens Falls Wiener Walk! The logo and catch phrase were perfect. Also a big thnaks to Mark Frost at The Chronicle for spreading the word with Trampoline Designs' great artwork!

Yes, 40 wieners, walkin' down Glen Street!

Thanks again Trampoline!

Kevin and Morag Rosa

Myshka said...

Far be it from me to turn away from Amanda's invite about "commenting on a wiener". Here I am, commenting. I like the wiener logo. I like wieners, full stop. Now I sound like a perverted lunatic. On other topics- I LOVE your new 'Dacks logo for the theatre, it's perfect.

trampoline design said...

Thanks Tet, Adirondack love from London! Be sure to check out the ATF page on Facebook. We've helped them double their fan numbers there. How's Tom? How's the economy in Britain? More importantly, how's the bump?

Myshka said...

Yes, I need the lake and hike fix. Oh, if only. Tom is securing new clients left and right and is really exhausted and thrilled. We're in month 5, and finding out what we're having next week. Bump is cartoon-like, especially when I run. I'm tempted to draw a smiley-face on it.