Next to "How much weight have you gained so far?" we'd have to say "Have you picked a name yet?" is the most asked question during pregnancy and with 9 Tramplettes, we know.
Our own name has sparked many a question, which is why we take helping a client with the naming process very seriously. A business or a product is very much like a baby and the name you select; you have to like it because chances are you'll hear it more times in a day than your own name.
Recently one of our clients, Sara Carpenter, made a birth announcement of sorts, declaring the name of her new business. We'd traveled through three rounds of options complete with rough-sketch logos before she made her decision. Together we sat eliminating names for one reason or another, shooting off in new directions based upon information and opinions we wouldn't have had without the spirited discussions after each presentation.
It was with clarity, confidence and excitement that Sara called to confirm Qurve Learning as "it!"

We'll be back soon to explain more about what Qurve Learning is and how much it can do for human resource directors to medical practices.
Congratulations Sara!