The team here at Trampoline is constantly pushing the creative envelope. Trying ever harder to create work that stands out, and gets our clients noticed. We work closely with the businesses and organizations that use our services, and try to gauge the effectiveness of our marketing.
Yes effectiveness is
so a word.
Listed below are a few recent projects, by the numbers.

This year's HH Ranch camper sponsorship has resulted in a measurable bump in donations, a surprising percentage of which came from first-time givers. The Ranch is still collecting sponsorships, so the numbers aren't yet final. What we can say, without upsetting, say, Paul Newman, is that the response has been extremely positive.
The illustration for this year's appeal came from the sketchbook of our spring semester intern, Erin Higgins. Read on for another Higgins talent showcased later in the post.

Four Months into the Legend Campaign, and a mere two weeks after the direct mail outreach piece dropped, the Library is closing in on the $100,000 mark. Comments about the Legend Campaign's presence continue to roll in from clients and neighbors alike, and it's nice to know that this particular campaign has remained on the minds of the community.
Festival subscriptions are up 30% (unofficially) and excitement about the season continues as buzz-building ads run in local pubs, designed by our newest addition, Kayla Rozell.
The hand rendered type seen in the layouts was another item cribbed from the pages of Erin Higgins' sketchbook. Her letters stand six feet tall on the Wood Theatre facade, right across from the Trampoline offices on Glen Street.
The SaraBear Company is in the midst of redefining their brand. Melissa and Amanda are offering
new patterns and new products as well. Trampoline has responded with updates to the corporate identity, a complete redesign of the SaraBear website, the creation of a
blog, and new support collateral to better tell the SaraBear story.
The news is: it's working. SaraBear has carved out a niche in their marketplace and their investment in themselves has caught the eye of industry publications, boutiques and major retailers alike.

Saratoga Vein Center's Vascular Screening Day dubbed
Circulation Station sold out days after the first ads started running. Trampoline created the event identity and used simplified anatomical illustrations to communicate the specific problem areas that the screening procedures would address.
Credit is due to the team of Doctors, Vascular Techs and administrators at Adirondack Radiology who made the decision to offer this kind of opportunity to the community. We're happy to have helped make this inaugural event a success.

John Duncan is back in town from Alta. We worked with him over the winter on some apparel for the Ski resort. When he asked, we told him we'd do the work on one condition: free samples for the staff here at Trampoline.
Poor John showed up empty-handed (he was nice enough to be wearing an Alta tee, so at least we saw
something) and explained that the shirts sold so quickly that there was simply no inventory left to share with us. On the first afternoon they were available, 38 shirts disappeared on the backs of satisfied skiers.
John has promised a reprint that will give us gear that makes us look like we spent all winter in Utah.
So there you have it:
More donations. Community awareness and support. Increased subscriptions. Market recognition (and sales). Sold-out events. 38 shirts in an afternoon.
All brought to you with the help of a well crafted look and message, dedicated organizations and entrepreneurs, worthy causes, cool products, and a team of designtramps.