Friday, June 27, 2008

Rae gets inspired

Rae spent the week in Boston, at An Event Apart in Boston to gain a deeper understanding of web standards and emerging best practices. She went to be inspired by fresh ideas and new directions. And so she joined the greatest minds and hottest talents in web design today.*

Here's what happened to Rae at the Conference:

The final session on Tuesday was an opportunity to have your site critiqued by Jeffrey Zeldman, event co-founder, A List Apart founder, author, and pretty much "The Man" when it comes to Web design. They drew six names randomly out of the 450 or so attendees, and I was fortunate to be one of them! Very proud of the work I've done for Shop5, I had submitted the site, and had to go up on stage while the site was projected in front of some of the best and brightest minds in the industry. I was very excited, and happy to report that much of the feedback from Zeldman and the crowd was very positive.

There's the Shop5 website, getting a very public critique.

And there's Rae, soaking up some serious Zeldman.

*AUTHOR'S NOTE: If the first paragraph of this entry seems a little overly salesy, it's because I reworked it from the An Event Apart Website. Then I pretty much cribbed a paragraph from an email Raeanne sent.

**Amend the above title of AUTHOR'S NOTE to PLAGERIZER'S NOTE.


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